hollywood picture of a fighter pilot shows us young heroes, handsome,
romantic, some 'Sky Knights'. But history doesn't hold on celluloid
film. They were very young, most cetaintly, but not necessarily
handsome and romantic. Now survivors have grown old but they still
have many buddies left who are forever young and will remain so in their
hearts and memories... I
only suggest that the reader imagine one of these young Americans who were
flying by themselves, in a fighter plane and think, not only about those
who were Aces, but also about the many pilots, more humble, who shared the
same risks and at the same time, about those, who on the ground, no matter
what part they played made the take-offs possible... My
only hope is that today's youth might be able to know, through this book,
some of their elders, young men of another generation who have fought for
the freedom we now enjoy." -