


18 July 1944.


412th Fighter Squadron.


1010 to 1625 hours.


10 miles north of Dreux.


Visibility 20 to 30 miles.


Me. 109.
H) 1 Me. 109 destroyed.

1 Me. 109 damaged.


     I was flying Vactric Leader, Red Flight, escorting two

squadrons of P-47's on a dive bombing mission. At Dreux the

two squadrons took separate routes and I covered Toga squad-

ron with Vactric Red and Yellow flights to a target east of

Chartres.  As we approached Dreux at 18,000 feet on our re-

turn from the target Toga leader called some bandits closing

in behind him and I took both our flights down. I noticed

one flight of four Me. 109s with a flight of P-47s turning

into them, and another flight of two Me. 109s which were

heading southeast with no one chasing them. Vactric Red

flight followed these two and when one of the Jerries broke

to the right I followed him while Red Three and Four attack-

ed the other.  I closed in to about 150 yards and as the

Me. 109 banked to the right I shot a four second burst into

the fuselage and cockpit section, observing strikes on the

fuselage followed by a flash which was probably the gas tank

exploding. The E/A went into a steep dive and began to

spiral earthward as I followed it down. At about 6000 feet

the pilot jettisoned the hood and bailed out successfully.

I observed the plane crash about one mile south of the air-

field just south of Dreux and then I turned into my wingman

and climbed up just as Red four shot down the second Me.109.

I observed the second pilot bail out and then called Red

flight together at which time Yellow leader also joined our

formation. Failing to find any more E/A about the area we

started for home. As we passed over Evreux at about 10,000

feet I observed two Me. 109s in the haze below. We dived

after them but lost them in the haze as they were flying in-

to the sun. Red 2 called in about 20 aircraft on the air-

field just east of Evreux and we went down and strafed some

He 111s. During my strafing run I noticed that most of the

He 111s and two Me. 109s on the field had already been strafed

and were pretty badly battered. I called the flight to cease

strafing and as I pulled up noticed a Me. 109 diving on Red

4. I called for Red 4 to break and got on the E/A's tail.

The E/A went into a Lufberry on the deck in the center of

the airfield and most of the flight took turns in shooting

(second page)               

deflection bursts in a tight turn.  I took about

three two second bursts which were trailing. There

was intense anti-aircraft fire from ground positions

on the airfield so I broke upwards and saw about 8

aircraft, which appeared to be Me.109s, diving at us.

I called a break and identified the bogies as P-51s

as we zoomed upwards. Looking down I saw the Me.109

streaking along on the deck toward Paris. Red 3

attacked from the rear and got several bursts from

long range. As he broke away I fell in behind the E/A

and took two short bursts from about 350 yards at which

time I believe there were some strikes and damage to

his fuselage. I decided to hold my fire until minimum

range was reached as I realized my ammunition was just

about expended. We flew on the deck for about 20 miles

until I had closed in to about 50 yards at which time

the E/A pulled up over some trees and I carefully sight-

ed and pulled the trigger only to find my ammunition

was totally expended. I broke away and let two P-51s

behind me take over the chase. Red flight re-formed

and landed at the beach-head to refuel.


     I claim one Me. 109 destroyed and one damaged.


 1548 rounds, cal. 50 expended.

Michael J. Ingelido,

Lt. Colonel, Air Corps.




On public record at the National Archives
Courtesy of David Schwartz - Nephew of 373rd CO (15 Aug 43 - 17 Nov 44) William  H. Schwartz, Jr.

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412th Squadron patch image courtesy of Bruce Lowell and Bob Colangelo.