present, but most often behind the scenes working diligently
to make our stay pleasurable and fun, was our
hospitality team of Bea Geise and Olive Sauter. |


Carroll Wooge reminisces
as he reads about the "Jug" while Dennis Hayman and Moe
Richardson enjoy PJ's scrapbook album. |
Bob Corey is
seen here with David Schwartz, cousin of the 373rd's
first CO, Col William H. Schwartz, Jr. |


Mastering the puzzles
are Wyllo Wooge, Mary DeHart, Frances Harvey, and Joe
Ritz. |
Tom Vesey
passes on the history of the 412th to the next
generation, Tom Ritz and David Schwartz. |


up" by reunion coordinator and shepherd Bob
Colangelo, seen here at the Jefferson Monument with the
tidal basin and Washington Monument in the distance. |
No, that's not
three peas in a pod but rather Bill and Bea
Geise along with Moe Richardson at the FDR Gardens. |


Lillian Reeves and
Roy Thurman with Joe Ritz at the Arkansas column of the
WWII Memorial. |
Louise and
George Cooper strolling through the WWII Memorial on a
delightfully bright September afternoon. |


Although he
moved to Maryland shortly after the war, Joe Ritz was
originally from Pennsylvania. Joe stands proudly at the
Pennsylvania column along with his son and
daughter-in-law Fred and Joyce. |
Bill Mather at
the tidal basin with that wonderfully warm smile of his. |


Ernie Ritz,
Tony Panaro, and Tom Ritz pose in the FDR Gardens. |
Inez and Gene
Ross at the D-Day remembrance wall just under the
Atlantic Arch (East arch) of the WWII Memorial. |
