Newsletter Issue: Fall/Winter 05

Greetings to All from the 412th Newsletter desk.

WOW, our reunion in Chicago was fun. It wasn't too long ago that we were planning for our 2005 reunion -and now, it has come and gone!

The guys and gals really looked great, and they were in good spirit. Many thanks to all who helped and provided your time, talents, and treasures to make the reunion a success.

They say that a reunion is a gathering to decide where and when the next reunion will be. So, onward to planning for our next year's reunion. We hope that you will be able to attend. More about the reunion throughout the newsletter.


412th Reunion Committee

Honorary Co-Chairs



Joe Ritz & Olive Sauter

Bill/Bea Geise & Bob Colangelo

John Kinn




Bob & Ellen Colangelo

Bill & Bea Geise

Tom Ritz

412th Web Master

Games/Raffles/Hospitality Room

Joe Ritz Jr.

Olive Sauter, Bea Geise, Norma Corey, Charlene Polanski & Volunteers


It is with sadness that our friend Jacob (Jake) Haynes departed from us and went on to Blue Skies after a call from his Creator on Saturday, Sept. 17, 2005. He will be missed. Jake and Margaret attended our reunions in the past. Please notify me or Bill Geise if you desire Margaret's home address or telephone number.


To all that are ill and distressed, our continued hope and prayers for comfort. To Bill Mather, Tony March, Dennis Hayman, the Ken Winders, the Frank Abels, the Glen Noyes, the Ray Kurowskis, etc. The etc. is for the unknowns and includes the many who attended the reunion.